Make a Difference for Rainforest and Wildlife in Borneo and Sumatra

palm oil

Many of our candies and cookies are made of palm oil. Habitat for many species is being destroyed to make room for Palm Oil plantations. Palm Oil is still a very important crop and should not be eliminated, but it is possible to harvest SUSTAINABLE Palm Oil plantations.
Here's how you can help! 
Read product labels at the store and become familiar with companies using palm oil in their products.
• Write to your favorite companies and  supermarkets to educate them on the importance of using certified sustainable palm oil.o Encourage them to become members of RSPO, to do business with companies that supplycertified sustainable palm oil, and to label their products accordingly.

• Write to US & Indonesian government officials and tell them you care about the deforestation occurring in Indonesia and Malaysia – deforestation contributes to global warming. Biofuel made from palm oil is NOT a “green” solution to the energy crisis.

• Ask for FSC-certified (Forest Stewardship Council) wood products and lumber, or use recycled wood products. Use recycled paper.
• Learn more. Spread the word.

Peoria Zoo

Peoria Zoo